Small dogs, like all pets, can symbolize deeper emotions that originate from our subconscious. Our choice of pets, how we relate to them, and the feelings they evoke often mirror our psychological needs, hidden emotions, and unresolved conflicts.
What Lies Behind Our Relationships with Small Dogs?
The Need for Protection and Security
Small dogs often represent guardianship for us. Despite their size, they provide emotional support and security, linking to an unconscious need for safety stemming from childhood or past traumas. They serve as shields against loneliness and external threats, which are often psychological.
Unconditional Love and Acceptance
Pets accept us as we are, without demands for change, fulfilling our deep-seated need for unconditional love. Unlike humans, dogs do not judge or abandon us during tough times. This bond helps individuals cope with feelings of inadequacy and can reflect the affection we seek but may not receive from loved ones.
Projection of Unfulfilled Expectations and Dreams
People often project onto their pets what they couldn’t realize in human relationships. A dog may symbolize a “child” for unfulfilled parental instincts or an “ideal partner” who offers loyalty and companionship without betrayal.
Working Through Internal Traumas and Complexes
Our attitudes towards pets can unveil hidden traumas. Excessive care for a pet might indicate a desire to heal personal wounds. If someone felt abandoned in childhood, a small dog can become a symbol of unwavering loyalty and emotional connection, compensating for lost relationships.
Connection with Archetypes
Small dogs embody archetypes from our collective unconscious, often acting as “helpers,” “companions,” or “protectors.” Our choice of pets reflects relevant archetypes in our lives. For instance, selecting a small dog may signify a desire for constant companionship, embodying protection despite its small size.
What Influences the Choice of Pet’s Gender
Feminine or Masculine Energy
The gender of a pet often relates to our relationships with the opposite sex or a specific type of energy we seek. Those lacking masculine energy may choose male dogs for protection, while those desiring nurturing may prefer females. This choice frequently reflects the balance between feminine and masculine energies in one’s life.
Small dogs are more than pets; they reflect our deepest emotional needs, traumas, and archetypes. Our relationships with them reveal symbols of our subconscious. Pets can serve as channels for processing internal conflicts, aiding in self-understanding, healing emotional wounds, and balancing internal energies.