1 February 2023

Pom has unique furry coat

Never SHAVE them coat, Regular brushing, Finding a professional groomer is very important

Caring for your Adult Pom’s coat

The Pomeranian breed is known for its beautiful and luxurious coat, which adds to their charm and uniqueness. It’s important to properly care for their coat to maintain its health and appearance.

Here are some tips regarding Pomeranian coat care:

  • Regular grooming: Pomeranians require regular grooming to keep their coat in top condition. Brush their fur at least a few times a week to prevent matting and tangling. Use a slicker brush or a comb with fine teeth to gently remove any tangles or loose hairs. Pay special attention to the areas where tangles commonly form, such as behind the ears, under the armpits, and around the tail.
  • Bathing: Pomeranians generally don’t require frequent baths unless they get particularly dirty. Bathing them once every 1-2 months is usually sufficient, unless recommended otherwise by a veterinarian or professional groomer. Use a gentle dog shampoo that is specifically formulated for their coat type to avoid drying out their skin.
  • Professional grooming: It’s advisable to take your Pomeranian to a professional groomer for occasional grooming sessions. A groomer can trim their coat, especially the hair around their paws and hindquarters, to keep them clean and prevent matting. Professional groomers can also help maintain the overall health and appearance of your Pomeranian’s coat.
  • Avoid shaving: It’s generally recommended NOT TO SHAVE a Pomeranian’s coat. Their double coat serves as insulation, protecting them from both heat and cold. Shaving can disrupt the natural hair growth cycle and potentially lead to long-term damage to the coat. Instead, focus on regular brushing and grooming to manage their fur.
  • When seeking a groomer, it’s essential to find someone experienced with Pomeranians or small breeds. Look for recommendations from other Pomeranian owners or consult with your local veterinarian for groomer recommendations in your area.

Remember, the key to maintaining a beautiful Pomeranian coat is regular grooming, proper brushing, and seeking professional assistance when needed. With proper care, your Pomeranian will continue to look adorable and maintain their characteristic fluffy coat.