10 March 2023

Life at home with your Pom

Following these home care tips promoting overall health and well-being

Life at home with your Pom

Here are some tips for home care based on specific areas:

Eyes: Cleaning your Pomeranian’s eyes daily with a special wipe and liquid is a good practice. This helps prevent the build-up of tear stains and keeps the area around the eyes clean. It’s important to use products specifically formulated for dogs and avoid getting any liquid or wipe directly into the eyes. If you notice any excessive tearing, redness, or discharge from the eyes, it’s advisable to consult with a veterinarian.

Legs: Pomeranians have relatively short and delicate legs, so it’s important to be mindful of their limitations. Avoid allowing them to jump from heights that could potentially injure their legs. Provide ramps or steps to help them access elevated surfaces, such as furniture or beds. This helps prevent unnecessary strain on their joints and reduces the risk of accidents or injuries.

Hair coat: Regular grooming is essential for maintaining a healthy and beautiful coat on your Pomeranian. Brushing your dog daily helps prevent matting and tangles, especially considering their long hair. Using a dry shampoo occasionally can help freshen up the coat between baths. When brushing, you can also use a dog-specific deodorant to keep their coat smelling pleasant. It’s important to choose grooming products that are safe and suitable for dogs to avoid any skin irritations or allergies.

Visiting a professional groomer every two months is a good frequency to maintain your Pomeranian’s coat. The groomer can help trim and shape the hair, remove any mats or tangles, and provide a thorough grooming session. They can also provide additional advice and guidance on home care specific to your dog’s coat type and grooming needs.

By following these home care tips, you can ensure that Pom’s eyes, legs, and coat are well-maintained, promoting them overall health and well-being. Regular grooming and attention to specific areas will help keep comfortable and looking best.